According to a report by the Gateway Pundit, the Missouri State Emergency Operations Center announced it will activate Emergency Operations from Thursday evening (09 October 2014) through Tuesday (14 Oct.) in anticipation of civil unrest and planned violent protests in and around the Ferguson/St.Louis areas this coming weekend.

We encourage all AmRRON Operators outside the Areo of Operations (AO) to monitor the various scanner traffic via

The article included the EO activation order from the state-level EOC.  It did not specifically mention RACES radio operations, but we strongly recommend AmRRON Operators monitor the following Missouri RACES frequencies:
Frequency     Net Name
3963.0 kHz. Missouri Emergency Services Net (MESN)
7263.0 kHz. Missouri Emergency Services Net (MESN) (daytime alternate)

For VHF/UHF Repeater and Simplex frequencies and the guide for Missouri ARES/RACES Operations, open/download the following PDF:


For AmRRON SIGINT Intercept and Collection tools and guidance, go to:

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Missouri EOC Letter of Activation of Emergency Operations:


More information- call to civil unrest-

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